Grace Lutheran Church


Worship services will continue to be live streamed on the Internet. Click on this link below for all live streamed worship services:
Grace Lutheran Livestream On YouTube 

The Schedule for the United Divine Service is as follows: 

10 - 10:40 am - English Service of the Word
Reception of Nuer worshippers during the Hymn of the Day

United Service of the Sacrament
10:40 - 11:15 am
Dismissal of English worshippers after the Nunc Dimittis (closing hymn)

Nuer Service of the Word
11:15 - 11:55

Coffee and fellowship will follow the 10 am Sunday services.

Grace Notes

Read Weekly Grace Notes 

For Your Info 

Golden Age
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Lutheran Womens Missionary League Canada
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Tapestry is a faith-based magazine written by women for women
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Worship Anew (church services to enjoy from your home)
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Our Church

Grace Lutheran Church Edmonton Alberta

9907 114 St Edmonton, AB
T5K 1P7
 Parking is available at Connelly-McKinley Funeral Home on Sunday mornings. Please park on the south end of the large east parking lot unless otherwise posted. Our thanks to Connelly McKinley for the privilege of using their parking lot.
Christ's compassion and pardon embrace, console, and encourage believers. Sinners will abandon wickedness, confess transgressions, and receive the Lord's forgiveness. Prisoners of the faith will remain steadfast in conflict, endure hardship, and yet be confident in the Gospel of Christ. God's kingdom is revealed to us by a continuum of generous, undeserved grace for all those who seek Christ, call upon His name, and believe in Him.
In faithfulness to God's word (Acts 1:8), the mission of Grace Lutheran Church is "To proclaim in a warm caring atmosphere the good news of God's love and forgiveness in Christ to the people of our community, our congregation and the world."

Our Faith

We believe that there is only one true God, Who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father is the creator of everything that exists. The Son is Jesus the Savior. The Holy Spirit inspired the entire Bible. It is the errorless Word of God that brings God's message of love and hope for all people. We accept that Scripture is accurately and faithfully interpreted in the documents contained in the Book of Concord.
Read More of "Our Faith"