Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Notes

As We Gather: Throughout the Holy Scriptures, the Lord inspires several refrains that shape the confession of the church—repent and live, abhor evil, flee destruction, and love righteousness! The justice of Christ’s righteousness abolishes the merit of good works; He redeems those who genuinely repent of their iniquity. These are the ones upon whom He bestows eternal life. By human standards, this is questionable justice. By divine standards, it is total grace! God is faithful. He will do it!

Old Testament: Ezekiel 33:7–11: “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 10:1–13: “God . . . will not let you be tempted beyond your ability.
Holy Gospel: Luke 13:1–9: Parable of the fig tree 

 “Turn, and Take This (and That)” (Ezekiel 33:7-11)
Music: Praise Band

Hymns and Songs: 
Opening Hymn: Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
Hymn Before the Readings: Brothers and Sisters In Christ
Hymn of the Day: “Jesus Lead Thou On” - LSB 718
Offertory Hymn: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” - LSB 971
Distribution Hymns:          10,000 Reasons          The Holy Heart          The Saving One
Nunc Dimittis: O Praise The Name (Anástasis)

Prayer for the Word of God:

  • Katherine Aitchison, Ingrid Brunsch, Doreen Christensen, David Kraatz, Sharon Kluthe, Dieter Krentz, Peter Lam, Guenther Michallok, Elizabeth Nyaang, Ruth Porter, Rick Riemann, Allan Schole, Nyabey Ter, Elizabeth Tut, Mary Nyakoang Tut (Sarah Lam's mother), Trina Wildcat (recovering from surgery), Cheryl Will, Nyakong Wol, Rebecca Wongjok, Mary Kay. 


  • Dorthea Armstrong (baby daughter to Amanda & Ryan) - receiving care at University Hospital
  • Karen Krysa family (cousins Danielle and Geoff) - mourning death of infant daughter, Charlotte.
  • Dei family (mourning the death of Roger)
  • Pontin family (mourning the death of Vi

 March 2025 Calendar

Click on this link for all live streamed worship services:Grace Lutheran Livestream On YouTube 

LWML March 15, 2025 Update

March 9 Sermon -  “Commanding His Angels Concerning You” (Psalm 91; Luke 4:10-11)Click here

February 23 Sermon - 
“Coherence Over Chaos” (Genesis 45:3-15)
Pastor Neil  Click here

February 16 Sermon:  “In Fact” (I Corinthians 15:12-20)
Rev. Larry MacKay Click here

February 9 Sermon: "Fear and Courage" (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Rev. Neil SternFor a digital copy, click here. 

February 2 Sermon: "Brought Into the Light" (Luke 4:35, 39, 41)   
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.
January 26 Sermon: "What's the Buzz?" (Luke 4:14-30)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

January 19 Sermon: "Behind the Scenes" (John 2:1-11)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

January 12 Sermon: "Over the Waters (Psalm 29:3, 11; Luke 3:21-22)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

March 23. "Even Me, Even You". Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jason Broge. Jesus the Good Shepherd invites all to be His sheep and find pasture. His words of promise will amaze some but anger others. (John 10:1-21) 


Pastor Neil will be cooperating in a pulpit rotation during the midweek services of Lent with other pastors within the Edmonton Circuit.

 Lent 3 (March 26) ~ Pastor Neil

  • Lent 4 (April 2) ~ Pastor Mark Hennig (Concordia)
  • Lent 5 (April 9) ~ Pastor Sam Thompson (Redeemer)

 Please Note: All midweek Lenten services will be livestreamed. 

Easter Breakfast Sunday, April 20th - We will be holding an Easter breakfast following the 10:00 am service on Easter Sunday. A sign-up sheet is available for those who would like to contribute food or assist with preparations. Please sign to help host this time of  Easter celebration & fellowship!"

Centenary Contemplations #22– 1986  by Laura.

The agenda for the January 1986 Voters’ meeting held a significant resolution for Grace voters—the intent to seek membership in the autonomous Lutheran Church-Canada at its proposed constituting convention in 1987.  In the 1970s, Lutherans in Canada had explored the possibility of bringing together their three church bodies—the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCC), the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), and the Lutheran Church of America-Canada Section (LCA-CS).  Irreconcilable differences led to the LC-MS withdrawing from the merger process in 1978; the ELCC and LCA-CS continued the process and merged on January 1, 1986 to become the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), the first independent Canadian Lutheran church body.  Canadian Lutherans of LC-MS pursued their own course and the proposed establishment of Lutheran Church-Canada was the result.  The parent church conducted its last stewardship endeavour in Canada, called “Alive in Christ”, beginning in April, 1986.  After this point, all stewardship drives would focus on Canadian institutions, from national to local levels.

 While working toward becoming part of the new Canadian Lutheran entity, Grace also continued to pursue its mission and ministry, taking time to celebrate some significant milestones.  On June 8, a “Family Festival Service” was celebrated, followed by a tea which honoured Pastor Carl and Joyce Wolski’s 25th wedding anniversary.  One week later, the congregation celebrated 35 years of membership in the Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL), as well as the tenth anniversary of Pastor Larry’s ordination.  

The summer of 1986 marked the end of an era when the last summer church camp was held at Lake Isle.  Great memories would be part of the conversations of past participants, and numerous photo albums would be prepared by Elsie Schaefer, Martha Feculak and others to detail the fun and fellowship.  As one door closed, however, another opened; fall programming saw the formation of the Grace Young Adults Group, which brought together young people in the 18-30-ish age group.  This group inaugurated their association with an Oktoberfest Surprise Supper on October 19.  The Young Adults were enthusiastic contributors to congregational life, offering evangelism events, musical service and educational activities. They would be an active part of the Grace family for several years.

Another tradition was begun in December.  For some time, the pastors, office staff and volunteers had made a practice of serving dinners to the Golden Age group after some of their meetings.  In 1986, the Board of Parish Fellowship established the annual Christmas banquet to honour Grace members aged 60 and above.  It became a beloved tradition of delicious food and warm camaraderie. As in previous times, Grace closed the year in gratitude for the many blessings of the year gone by and keen anticipation of the fresh developments of the year to come. 

Sources:  Bentsen, Barbara:  Grace Upon Grace:  The Continuing Story of God’s Blessings at Work in Grace Lutheran Church.  Swarm Enterprises, 1999;;

If you want to get a hold of Pastor Neil: 

Pastor James' Contact Information: 

Church Office Hours:The church office will be open the following hours this week:Tuesday: 9:00-3:00 p.m.Thursday: 9:00-3:00 p.m. It would still be best to call before you stop by just to make sure someone is there! 

E-transfer Donations: Donations by e-transfer can be made to

Shut In List: If you are aware of a shut-in needing a visit, or you are currently a shut-in that may not be on our list, please contact Pastor Neil at the church office.  

Change of Personal Information: Please let the office know by phone (780 488 7967) or email ( of any changes to your address, phone number, email, etc. 

Grace Notes: Please send any submissions for next week's Grace Notes to by the end of the day on Wednesday. Thanks!