Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Notes

September 8, 2024

Divine Service Setting One @ 10 am

As We Gather: God touches His people with miracles. The lame leap; the deaf hear; the mute speak and sing; the demon possessed are healed. God’s righteous intervention is lavishly heaped on all who believe His name—Jew or Gentile, slave or free, rich or poor. As inheritors of salvation, we are to be strong and fear not, for God acts decisively in acts of healing, mercy, and forgiveness. When we believe such things, our faith is seen in good works.

Isaiah 35: 4-7a:  The ears of the deaf will be unstopped. 
James 2:1–10,14-18: I will show you my faith by what I do.
Mark 7:31–37: The healing of the deaf and mute man

Sermon: There Their  (Mark 7:31-37)

Music: Helga Danielson
Hymns:Opening Hymn: “Awake My Soul, and with the Sun” (LSB 868)
Hymn of the Day: “O Son of God in Galilee” (LSB 841)            
Offertory Hymn: “On Eagles’ Wings” (LSB 727) 
Distribution Hymns: “At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing” (LSB 633)                                
“I Come O Saviour, to Thy Table” (LSB 618)
“Eat This Bread” (LSB 638)
Closing Hymn: “Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (LSB 528 stz. 1,3,5,7)


Prayer for the Word of GodO Lord, embolden me to speak Your life-giving Word to everyone around me and to trust You to act faithfully according to Your Word. Amen. 

In our prayers this week… .

  • Katherine Aitchison, Doreen Christensen, Margaret Day, Elizabeth Decorby, Lisa Kempf, David Kraatz, Dieter Krentz, Rick Riemann, Allan Schole, Pastor Neil, Esther Townsend-Bridge, Mary Nyakoang Tut (Sarah Lam's mother) and Cheryl Will, Mary Mer and Nyabey Ter.

Copies of Sunday’s Sermon
If you desire to have a printed copy of the sermons preached by Pastor Neil, they are available on the table in the foyer. To read the digital copy Click Here

Access the LWML Canada Update - August 15 Click Here

September 2024 Calendar Click Here

The Lutheran Hour – September 8. 
"Conditioned by the Unconditional".
Lutheran Hour Speaker: 
Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler.
God's forgiving love for you in Christ is love that your accomplishments can't enhance and your failures can't diminish.
(Genesis 25:23).

Listen Sunday mornings on 930 AM at 11:30 a.m. or 98.5 FM at 8:30 a.m.
Streaming audio and podcasts

Centenary Contemplations IX by Laura  1955

The summer of 1955 was a busy and exciting one, as Grace planned for the dedication of its second church home.  The brand-new building was quite different from the sacred space we know and love today.  Imagine, first of all, no education wing and gym.  The main entrance was through the heavy oak doors at the top of the double set of steps outside.  The entire floor was covered in dark linoleum.  One rose window graced the chancel, the only stained glass.  The chancel was full, having the organ in an alcove on the left; the choir sat in pews on both left and right, below the altar. The communion rail was on the lowest step below the altar.  There was no sound system.  The fellowship hall and kitchen were in the basement.  Perhaps most satisfying for the congregation was the fact that over 400 people could be seated in the solid oak pews in the nave. 

On July 3, 1955, a communion service of thanksgiving was held in the morning, with the dedication service taking place at 3:00 PM.  It was a joyous occasion, with numerous visiting clergy and a large choir.  The assembled crowd processed into the sanctuary through the west doors.  The congregation was blessed to host Dr. J. W. Behnken, the President of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as the guest preacher for the afternoon.  He preached on Genesis 28:10-22, the account which tells about Jacob’s dream of God’s rich promises, and his dedication of the stone on which he slept as Bethel—the house of God.  A supper was served by the Ladies’ Aid following the service, and the evening concluded with an organ recital by Professor L. H. Nichols, who had directed the choir in the dedication service.  It was a full and happy day!

At some point after the dedication, a large sign was erected on the front lawn.  It displayed a new name for all passers-by to see:  GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH.  Pastor Bruer had been instrumental in persuading the members that “English” no longer had a place in the congregation’s official designation.  With a new building came a subtle new change in the congregational identity.  The members of Grace forged ahead, seeking God’s guidance as they fit into their new neighbourhood. 

Source:  Bentsen, Barbara:  Growing in Grace:  A History of Grace Lutheran Church, Edmonton, Alberta.  Uvisco Press, 1984


Access the LWML Convention Connection Issue 4  here.
If you want to get a hold of 
Pastor James' Contact 
Church Office Hours:The church office will be open the following hours this week:Tuesday: 9:00-3:00 p.m.Thursday: 9:00-3:00 p.m.It would still be best to call before you stop by just to make sure someone is there! 
E-transfer DonationsDonations by e-transfer can be made to
Shut In List:If you are aware of a shut-in needing a visit, or you are currently a shut-in that may not be on our list, please contact Pastor Neil at the church office.  
Change of Personal Information:Please let the office know by phone (780 488 7967) or email ( of any changes to your address, phone number, email, etc. 
Grace Notes:Please send any submissions for next week's Grace Notes to by the end of the day on Wednesday. Thanks!